perte chip
The project to turn Spain into a benchmark inthe design and manufacture of chips

Amid the country's digital transformation, theGovernment has launched the Strategic Project for Microelectronics andSemiconductors, known as PERTE Chip, to develop the entire value chain of the industry based on its existing strengths.

It is articulated around 4 axes, based on national strengths, to reinforce the design and production capacities of microchips inSpain. It is an ambitious country plan financed with Next Generation EU funds.


It represents an important contribution to economic growth, which materialises in job creation and increased competitiveness of our industry.

Especially in one of the key sectors such as the automotive industry, where we rank 2nd in the EU and 8th in the world.

The microelectronics and semiconductor industry is key to the present and future of Spain and the EU in terms of strategic autonomy and technological sovereignty. The Spanish project is aligned with the goals of the Chips Act –which is currently being articulated by EU members– to increase semiconductor production.


Representa una importante contribución al crecimiento económico, que se materializa en la creación de empleo y el aumento de la competitividad de nuestra industria.

Especialmente en uno de los sectores tractores como es la industria de automoción, donde ocupamos la 2ª posición de la UE y la 8ª en el mundo.

La industria de microelectrónica y semiconductores es clave para el presente y el futuro de España y la UE en términos de autonomía estratégica y soberanía tecnológica. El proyecto español está alineado con los objetivos de la Chip Act -que los miembros de la UE están articulando- para aumentar la producción de semiconductores.

Strategic axes
1. Boosting research

Focused on reinforcing the scientific capacity of the national ecosystem, it foresees actions to strengthen R&D in areas such as alternative architectures, integrated photonics, cutting-edge microprocessors, quantum chips.

It also envisages the launch of a funding line to support the EU's IPCEI for microelectronics and communication technologies.

2. Design Strategy

Designed to nurture the pre-manufacturing phase, which is essential to the industry, the PERTE includes actions aimed at the creation of fabless companies for the design of leading-edge microprocessors and alternative architectures, the designs of which will be manufactured by others.

In addition, pilot lines and a semiconductor training network will be set up.

2. Estrategia de diseño

Pensado para nutrir la fase previa a la fabricación y que es imprescindible en la industria, el PERTE incluye actuaciones dirigidas a la creación de empresas fabless de diseño de microprocesadores de vanguardia y arquitecturas alternativas, cuyos diseños seran fabricados por otros.

Además, se prevé la puesta en marcha de líneas piloto y una red de capacitación en materia de semiconductores.

3. Microchip manufacturing

One of the lines of work focuses on promoting the construction of a foundry in Spain. This is a long and complex process, which entails a technological and financial risk for any company considering setting up in any country. The support of the administrations and public-private collaboration is key to this project.

As a sign of the strong support to the industry and with PERTE Chip as a catalyst, a favourable environment is being created for the development of potential projects. A budget of almost 10 billion is foreseen until 2027 to boost the start-up of a cutting-edge, mid-range semiconductor factory.

4. ICT electronics manufacturing

Designed to strengthen a sustainable ecosystem, the project foresees the creation of a fund to finance innovative SMEs, start-up sand domestic scale ups in the field of semiconductors.

Resources will also be made available to the ICT industry to strengthen the production of electronic products, which use chips as input. A driving force for the semiconductor industry that will absorb part of the domestic production.

4. Fabricación de productos electrónicos TIC

Diseñado para fortalecer un ecosistema sostenible, el proyecto prevé crear un fondo para financiar pymes innovadoras, startups y scaleups nacionales en el ámbito de los semiconductores.

También se pondrá a disposición de la industria TIC recursos que fortalezcan la producción de productos electrónicos, que utilicen los chips como input. Una palanca tractora para la industria de semiconductores que absorberá parte la producción interna.

7 principles of PERTE Chip

The project approach is based on 7 principles that are present throughout all of its activities:

Long-term vision

Given the technical complexity of the sector and the long lead times involved in this industry, public support and private initiatives are conveived to be permanent in order to maintain the innovative pulse of the entire value chain.


Very high and concrete investments are required, avoiding thematic dispersion, to ensure the desired impact in a global and highly competitive value chain.

Phased progress

It is essential to implement planning in order to mitigate the high technological risk by defining technical and financial stages.

Technical leadership

The semiconductor sector is one of the most technologically complex industries around. Therefore, the PERTE must be led from a technical perspective that prevails over decisions of any other nature.

Public-private cooperation

The PERTE will deploy the cooperation mechanisms needed to promote public and private investing geared toward shared goals, ensuring coordinated actions by the public authorities, the industry, universities and research centres.

Integrated nature

The project is designed as an integrated initiative that spans the entire value chain of the semiconductor industry and complements other PERTES passed by the Government, particularly those with a strong technological and cross-disciplinary focus.

Alignment with the European Chips Act

Directly contributing to its objectives and generating synergies while also complementing other initiatives developed by other Member States and other EU institutions.

Strategic assets

The implementation of PERTE Chip has highlighted the country's strengths in different areas of the semiconductor industry:


Open architecture of processors and accelerators that enables the design of devices for a compatible software ecosystem. Considered revolutionary, this architecture is at the forefront of the Chips Act.

In this field, research centres such as the Barcelona Supercomputer Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS) stand out, as it is working on a project to develop prototypes based on this technology with Next Generation EU funding through the Ministry of Economic Affairs andDigital Transformation.

Integrated photonics

This technology stands out for its ability to be integrated with electronic chips, increasing its performance and versatility. In fact, applications have been expanding to sectors such as computing, 5G or healthcare, as elements such as sensors can be integrated for the development of IoT or autonomous driving. Spain has a well-established ecosystem for this technology that covers the entire value chain, from R&D centres, through design, manufacturing, encapsulation, assembly and testing equipment.

Fotónica integrada

Esta tecnología sobresale por su capacidad de integrarse junto con chips electrónicos, aumentando sus prestaciones y versatilidad. De hecho, se han ido ampliando las aplicaciones a sectores como la computación, el 5G o la sanidad al poder integrase elementos como sensores para el desarrollo del IoT o la conducción autónoma.

España dispone de un ecosistema bien establecido de esta tecnología que abarca toda la cadena de valor desde centros de I+D+i, pasando por diseño, fabricación, encapsulado, ensamblado y equipos de pruebas. (¿Alguna que destacar?).

Quantum Chips

Quantum computing is the branch of computer science that, by using the principles of quantum mechanics, allows a multitude of simultaneous operations to be performed, as well as increases the performance of information processing and security.

A fundamental part of this process is based on the construction of quantum chips with increasing capacities over time (up to 20Gbits operational) and accessible in the cloud for the entire Spanish educational and business system.

Driving forces

There are strategic sectors of our economy that drive domestic demand for semiconductors. These include the automotive industry and the automation of industrial processes, where Spain occupies a prominent position in Europe and the world.

Other sectors such as telecommunications, the aerospace industry, defence material, railway transport and infrastructure construction also stand out.

Fuerzas tractoras

Hay sectores estratégicos de nuestra economía que impulsan la demanda interna de semiconductores. Entre ellos, destacan la automoción y la automatización de procesos industriales, donde España ocupa una posición destacada en Europa y en el mundo.

También sobresalen sectores como las Telecomunicaciones, la industria aeroespacial, material de defensa, transporte ferroviario o construcción de infraestructuras.

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